Building Quality Programs Together The NJALL Annual Conference will take place at Brookdale Community College on May 11, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM. Ira Yankwitt from the Literacy Assistance Center in New York is our Keynote Speaker. There will be twenty-seven workshops, and time for networking with other adult educators and browsing vendor displays. The registration fee covers lunch and coffee. Workshop topics include: Building Coalitions for Adult Education, Making Inferences for Reading Comprehension, Increasing Learner Motivation, Numeracy, Designing workplace Literacy Programs and many more. In addition, selected winners from NJALL's Adult Learner Writing Contest will read from their work and discuss how to support students as writers. Registration for this conference is limited to 250 people. We cannot accept any on-site registrations or payments. If your organization is paying by purchase order, please send a copy of the purchase order along with the names of those attending to [email protected]. Purchase orders must be received by May 1, 2018 to guarantee registration.
Any cancellations must take place by Mary 1. 2018 to ensure a refund. Please send any questions to [email protected] Comments are closed.
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